Quick Intro with Panel Host

Possible Questions [in progress] (~40 mins):

Undergraduate Career / Pre-Grad School

  1. How did you choose what to major in? How important do you think your choice or someone’s choice is if they plan to go into [your field]?
    1. Did you start your undergraduate career in the major that you graduated with?

Personal Values

  1. Have you always wanted to be in the health field?
  2. Why did you choose to go into health and more specifically, your field?

Application Process

  1. If you’re comfortable, how many schools did you apply to, get interviews for, and get accepted to?
  2. How did you decide which schools you wanted to apply to and which one to attend?
  3. How did you select your program?
    1. e.g.
      1. Why DO vs. MD?
      2. Why PA compared to MD?
      3. Why academia and why psych?
  4. What’s your opinion on gap years? Did you take any?

Individual Questions

  1. What’s your process for staying on top of the research in your field?
  2. Do you have experience in any other fields? How have they applied to your journey and was there ever a time when you thought that that was your passion instead and you might not apply to your current program?
  3. Is there anything unique about your program in particular? What rotations have been your favorite and what can make a rotation particularly tough? How might a student gauge whether they’ll be suitable for or like a rotation?